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Your Options After Suffering Paralysis From Negligence

 Posted on November 27, 2023 in Personal Injury

Bensenville Personal Injury LawyerIf you or a loved one has suffered paralysis due to another party’s negligence, you may have legal options. Paralysis can completely change your life, so it is important to understand how the law protects you with paralysis in negligence cases. An Illinois lawyer can dive deep into your case and let you know what options you may have for your specific situation.

Proving Negligence

The first step is proving that negligence occurred. Under Illinois law, you must show:

  • The other party owed you a duty of care that they breached through negligent action or inaction

  • This breach of duty directly caused your injuries and paralysis

  • Your paralysis resulted in quantifiable damages and losses

Strong evidence and documentation is key. An experienced personal injury attorney can help establish negligence and liability.

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What to Do If You Slipped on Ice Outside a Store in Illinois

 Posted on November 14, 2023 in Personal Injury

Bensenville Personal Injury LawyerSuffering serious injury after slipping and falling due to an icy, neglected sidewalk or parking lot outside a store can be devastating. Pursuing fair compensation involves strategic actions with an Illinois lawyer. If you or a loved one were harmed on an Illinois property because of the owner’s failure to maintain safe conditions, consider the following:

Report Every Detail Promptly

Alert store management about your accident and injuries as soon as you can. Provide the specific location, hazardous condition details like thickness of ice, and any medical care you required. Request they preserve security camera footage that may have captured the incident, and obtain a copy of their completed store incident report. Prompt, thorough reporting establishes responsibility.

Photograph Conditions Extensively

Return to take photos of the exact slip and fall location from multiple revealing angles if the same condition is still present. Images clearly displaying thick ice formation, lack of salt, missing warning signs, and other dangers strengthen the case for negligence. Also photograph any visible injuries while fresh for documentation. Stores often fix hazards immediately after an incident, so prompt accident scene photos are vital.

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Five Examples of Medical Evidence for Your Injury Claim

 Posted on October 25, 2023 in Personal Injury

Cook County Injury LawyerWhen pursuing a personal injury claim, the strength of your medical evidence plays a crucial role in the success of your case. Medical evidence provides objective documentation of your injuries, their severity, and their impact on your daily life. To ensure you can wield any relevant medical evidence relevant to your case as effectively as possible, hire a lawyer to represent you for your case. They will make certain that any relevant medical evidence will be examined and brought forth to illustrate the exact injuries you suffered in your accident and how those injuries have impacted you, as well as ensure the Illinois injury statute of limitations of two years is appropriately adhered to.

Medical Records 

Medical records are the cornerstone of any personal injury claim, which provides thorough documentation of your injuries, treatments, and progress. These records may include diagnostic test results, doctor’s notes, surgical reports, and other relevant medical information. They offer an honest assessment of your injuries and serve as a credible source of evidence in court.

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Do Head-On Car Crashs Result in High Compensation Personal Injury Claims?

 Posted on October 16, 2023 in Personal Injury

Cook County Car Accident Injury LawyerHead-on car crashes are among the most severe and devastating accidents on the road. Injuries sustained in these collisions can be life-altering, leading many to wonder if they will be eligible for compensation. If you were injured in a head-on car accident, contact a lawyer to pursue the compensation you may be owed. Your lawyer will be well-equipped to shed light on certain factors of your case while assisting you in making beneficial choices for yourself and your situation and ensuring you bring your injury case within the Illinois statute of limitations of two years

Are Your Injuries Severe?

The extent and severity of your injuries sustained in a head-on car crash play a tremendous role in determining the compensation amount. Catastrophic injuries, such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, or multiple fractures, often result in higher compensation due to the long-term impact on the injured person’s life, medical expenses, and potential loss of income. The more severe the injuries, the more likely the compensation will be higher. 

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Why Should You Never Lie About the Extent of Your Injury?

 Posted on September 22, 2023 in Personal Injury

Cook County Personal Injury AttorneyPersonal injury cases are complex legal matters that often involve significant physical, emotional, and financial consequences. In these cases, honesty is of utmost importance. Unfortunately, some people are tempted to exaggerate or misrepresent the extent of their injuries for various reasons, often to try to obtain more compensation than they may otherwise be owed. It is crucial to understand that lying about the extent of your injury case is not only unethical but can also have negative legal ramifications. However, if you have honestly suffered an injury, consider contacting a lawyer, as depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be eligible for compensation.

Legal Consequences of Lying About Your Injury

Misrepresenting the extent of an injury can have severe legal repercussions. When filing a personal injury claim within the Illinois statute of limitations of two years, you are required to provide accurate and honest information about your injuries. Lying about the severity of your injuries can lead to a serious loss of credibility, potentially resulting in the dismissal of your case or a reduction in the compensation awarded. 

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Can You Prove a Tire Defect Caused Your Motorcycle Accident?

 Posted on September 08, 2023 in Auto Accidents

Elk Grove, IL motorcycle accident lawyerMotorcycle accidents can have devastating consequences, frequently resulting in serious personal injury or even death. It is possible to prove a tire defect caused your motorcycle accident. Proving that a tire defect caused a motorcycle accident requires careful investigation and legal guidance by a trained attorney. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident and believe a tire defect is the reason for your accident, contact a lawyer to begin investigating the circumstances of your accident and to determine whether compensation may be owed to you. 

Gathering Important Evidence 

To prove a tire defect caused your motorcycle accident, it is crucial to gather and preserve evidence. This may include photographs of the accident scene, the damaged tire, and any visible signs of a defect. Illinois law includes descriptions for what exactly is considered to be a tire defect. If your situation corresponds with what Illinois law specifies as signs of a defect, this can go a long way in helping to prove that your tire was defective and was the reason your accident occurred. Additionally, obtaining maintenance records, professional opinions, and witness statements can help further strengthen your case.

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Who is Responsible for My Construction Accident Injuries?

 Posted on August 28, 2023 in Construction Accidents

Cook County Construction Injury AttorneyConstruction work is a dangerous job. In 2021, it led to the most deaths in any U.S. industry. The risks involve everything from falling from a roof to being injured by heavy machinery. If you have been involved in a construction accident, worker’s compensation may not be enough to cover your injuries. However, in construction, a party that is not your employer could be responsible for your injuries. You need an Illinois attorney who can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Who May Be Considered a Third Party?

A third party could be a person or another company that is not your employer, responsible for your injuries. They include subcontractors, suppliers, or manufacturers.

Usually, when there is a lawsuit involving a third party, the injured person could receive some form of compensation especially if the injuries do not allow the person to go back to work. The claim can provide compensation for pain and suffering which is not allowed under worker’s compensation.

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5 Summer Risk Factors for Car Accidents

 Posted on August 15, 2023 in Personal Injury

Cook County Car Accident AttorneySummer can be a dangerous season for everyone on the roads. While each season brings its own unique dangers and difficulties, statistically, summer is the worst season for car accidents. There are a number of factors that contribute to the rise of auto accidents during the warmest months. To begin with, people are simply more inclined to go out when the weather is nice. More traffic usually leads to more accidents. Summer is also the season when more people tend to have free time. Young people in particular - a generally high-risk group of drivers - tend to be off from school and may be spending more time going out and having fun. If you are involved in a car accident this summer, there are important steps you should take. First, you should seek urgent medical attention and report the accident to the police as is required by law. You should also contact an attorney as soon as possible after the accident so that they can begin identifying and preserving important evidence. 

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Do Cycling Helmets Always Prevent Catastrophic Injuries?

 Posted on July 31, 2023 in Personal Injury

Bensenville Pedestrian Accident Injury LawyerCycling is an enjoyable and eco-friendly means of transportation that brings numerous health benefits. However, it also exposes individuals to various risks, including the potential for catastrophic injuries in the event of an accident. To mitigate this risk, the use of cycling helmets has become crucial. But do cycling helmets always prevent catastrophic injuries? Today, we will explore this topic from a legal personal injury perspective, considering the effectiveness of helmets, the responsibilities of cyclists, and how a personal injury attorney can help you in case you are injured.

The Role of Cycling Helmets

Cycling helmets are designed to protect the head and brain during accidents by absorbing and distributing the impact force. These helmets are undoubtedly effective in reducing the severity and frequency of injuries. According to many studies, wearing a helmet significantly lowers the risk of head trauma and brain damage during accidents. 

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Do I Have a Premises Liability Case After an Apartment Building Fire?

 Posted on July 18, 2023 in Personal Injury

Elmhurst Personal Injury LawyerFire is one of the most destructive forces in nature and human society alike. An uncontrolled blaze can consume an entire apartment in mere moments. When you experience a fire in your apartment building, you can lose so many aspects of your life in a single night. A majority of your personal possessions can be destroyed. You may not have a place to live anymore, especially if the blaze was bad enough to consume much of the building. Most importantly, you could be seriously injured or lose a close family member. Smoke inhalation alone can cause severe physical harm even if the fire itself never reached you. Burn injuries can be debilitating and disfiguring. You may require prolonged hospitalization. Some sufferers will even continue to need care throughout the rest of their lives. If you were injured in a fire in an apartment building or lost a close family member due to one, you may be entitled to compensation. Filing a premises liability lawsuit may be the best way to pursue the compensation you deserve. An attorney can guide you through the process. 

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