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Is your driving better or worse when your kids are in the car?

 Posted on December 24, 2020 in Auto Accidents

Many parents believe they are better drivers when their kids are in the car. This may seem logical because most parents want to protect their children at all costs. However, distracted driving is still a problem for many families, and sometimes parents do not even realize they are doing it.

Do you frequently break up sibling squabbles or tend to a fussy baby as you drive? Is your rear-view mirror directed at your backseat instead of the road behind you? Do you distribute snacks, collect trash, or fix the DVD player while driving? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you are not alone. However, these and other distractions could be putting you and your children at risk.

What counts as a driving distraction?

For most people, distracted driving is synonymous cellphone use. Although cellphone use while driving with kids is surprisingly common among parents, cellphones are not the only type of distraction parents face.

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How effective are helmets in a motorcycle accident?

 Posted on December 24, 2020 in Motorcycle accidents

Motorcycles usually face more risks in an auto accident than any other motorist on the road. Since motorcycles are smaller and expose riders to the elements, a crash can be devastating and life-changing.

There are ways that motorcyclists can protect themselves on the road, though some of those protections can spark a huge debate.

Helmets can be a controversial issue among motorcyclists. Some arguments state that laws requiring helmets infringe on an individual's personal rights, whereas others state that helmet use can significantly reduce the chance of a head injury in the event of an accident.

Helmets: Myth v. fact

Regardless of the arguments and perspectives about motorcycle helmets, there are a few common myths that surround helmet use. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) addresses some of these myths, including:

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Faced with a misdiagnosis: What should you do?

 Posted on December 24, 2020 in Medical Malpractice

CBS News reports that nearly 12 million Americans receive an incorrect diagnosis each year. This is an alarming number, especially since we put our trust in medical professionals to help us heal.

Sadly, most people do not report their misdiagnosis since there is no easy way to do so. That is why many people wonder: what should they do if they think their doctor gave them an inaccurate diagnosis?

First: How do you know you have been misdiagnosed?

This is one of the main reasons that misdiagnoses are such a significant issue. Every medical issue involves different symptoms, and not everyone exhibits the same symptoms. It can be incredibly difficult for individuals to tell whether they received the wrong diagnosis or not.

However, there are a few common warning signs that they might have a misdiagnosis, including:

  • The doctor does not order tests or screenings to ensure their diagnosis is correct

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What are the signs of a brain injury?

 Posted on December 24, 2020 in Auto Accidents

Traumatic brain injuries are often caused by collisions involving cars, pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Injuries are usually caused by a violent blow to the head, such as someone hitting a dashboard, windshield or other solid objects.

Brain injuries can be mild, moderate, or severe and come with an array of physical and psychological effects. Concussions, post-concussion syndrome, brain hemorrhaging, and hematomas are all types of traumatic brain injuries. Symptoms can show up immediately after a crash, while others can take days or weeks to show up. Recovery from TBIs depends on the severity and the person. Sometimes they are temporary and other times, they are permanent.

Suffering a head injury in a collision warrants calling an attorney immediately. Kaiser Law can hanlde your case. Call us at 630-274-4400.

Symptoms of traumatic brain injury

The Mayo Clinic lists these physical, cognitive and sensory symptoms of a mild head injury:

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Interstate auto accidents can prove fatal

 Posted on December 24, 2020 in Auto Accidents

Though many people utilize the interstate because it offers quicker ways to get to their destinations, it is not unusual for traffic on these roadways to cause issues. In some cases, vehicles can come to a standstill, and if drivers approaching the slowed or stopped traffic do not adjust their speed, it is common for auto accidents to take place. Unfortunately, some of these incidents can prove fatal.

It was recently reported that a crash on Interstate 70 in Illinois had a fatal outcome. According to reports, traffic had come to a stop in the right-hand lane of the roadway due to construction. The driver of an approaching vehicle did not adjust his speed as he came upon the stopped traffic, and as a result, his vehicle collided with the rear of another vehicle driven by a 68-year-old man.

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Did one of these things cause your slip-and-fall accident?

 Posted on December 24, 2020 in Personal Injury

It happened; you slipped and fell and suffered injuries. At first, you just felt embarrassed by it. Then the pain started to set in. As it turns out, your slip-and-fall accident ended up costing you a lot, physically, financially and emotionally. According to Illinois laws, you may not have to carry these losses on your own if negligence contributed to your injuries.

Slip-and-fall accidents can happen anywhere, and a number of factors can contribute to them. It does not matter if your incident occurred on private property, commercial property or government property; if one of the following issues contributed to your fall, you may have legal recourse.

Common causes of slip-and-fall accidents

The primary cause of these accidents is dangerous property conditions. These conditions might include:

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Follow these tips to stay safe in road construction zones

 Posted on December 23, 2020 in Auto Accidents

Many people say the Midwest has two seasons: winter and road construction. You probably dislike the rough condition of the roads after the snow melts. Yet, if you’re like most drivers, you might also get upset about the efforts dedicated to making necessary repairs.

You know you can’t have things both ways, although you might get upset about the temporary inconvenience of work zones, regardless of crews’ attempts to maintain safe roadways. However, while road construction often slows down traffic for a bit, there are some ways you should increase your safety, and that of those around you, in work areas.

Three safety tips for road construction zones

Thousands of people have died due to accidents within work zones, while hundreds of thousands have suffered injuries. However, many motor vehicle accidents are preventable, and exercising defensive driving techniques can help you navigate through a work area without incident.

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Impassioned, proven legal help across the vast personal injury realm

 Posted on December 23, 2020 in Personal Injury

Some law firms spotlight their focused commitment to personal injury victims, yet their advocacy may be tempered by multiple practice areas competing for attention.

Kaiser Law is not one of those firms.

Indeed, the legal team at our long-established Bensenville law firm advocates exclusively on behalf of injury and accident victims and their families. In doing so, we proudly bring more than a century of collective experience and applied acumen to bear on their behalf, diligently seeking optimal recoveries marked by maximum compensation in every client matter.

The firm's demonstrated performance over decades in personal injury matters spanning Chicagoland communities and other locales across Illinois centrally recognizes this fact: The injury/accident universe is both broad and diverse, demanding a legal response that is guided by in-depth acumen across multiple spheres.

Our firm's website spotlights those varied and complex areas. Kaiser Law attorneys regularly represent diverse and valued clients in matters that span across the legal area of personal injury. The firm's empathetic and aggressive advocacy has secured notable recoveries in key personal injury realms such as these:

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Medical malpractice: a notably complex legal niche

 Posted on December 23, 2020 in Medical Malpractice


No reasonable person in Illinois or elsewhere expects medical care providers to be perfect. We know that doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lab techs and other industry principals, while highly trained, are not infallible.

What we do rightly expect of them, though, is competence and their adherence to an established standard of care that prevails in the health care community.

When that performance threshold is maintained, things generally work out fine for patients and their families. When it is breached, another story altogether often unfolds.

That tale centrally involves adverse care outcomes. Not every negative patient result owes to provider error, of course, but those involving a medical professional's substandard care almost always do.

The direct results of negligently delivered care are widespread and frequently devastating for victims and their loved ones. Health care negligence spawns medical malpractice results that owe to myriad causes, including these:

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Are you a Chicagoland construction worker with injury concerns?

 Posted on December 23, 2020 in Construction Accidents


American cities are of course diverse and varied, with each commanding attributes that set them apart from all other urban environments.

Chicago is arguably unique in that regard.

Famed poet Carl Sandburg once emphasized that. He spotlighted what he calls the "City of the Big Shoulders" in his celebrated poem simply termed "Chicago." He described the vast metro as "a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities."

Anyone who has spent even a fraction of time in the city can feel its remarkable pulse and power.

Chicagoland construction workers feel that great energy most vividly, perhaps more so than any other demographic.

That familiarity is for obvious reasons, of course. Industry employees construct the metro's constantly growing collection of skyscrapers and other buildings. They build and upgrade its roads. They work underground on incomprehensibly large projects. And they are constantly exposed to elements and conditions that other work groups can't even fathom.

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